I just noticed that this blog is on the blogroll of FresnoBeehive.com. I read that blog daily. There are several other blogs that I keep up with on a daily or nearly daily basis. Those are all listed below on my ‘blogroll’.
Talk aboutchyer ‘connectivity’ and ‘inter-reliance’ and ‘underground railroads of communication’—blogs really do serve these functions in today’s world and specifically in the arts/entertainment world around this and many other towns. Thanks to all who keep us up on the local music news.
p.s. posts have been sparce because (choose one or two or all):
*was living through all the gigs I’d been plugging all summer
*school started, and that’s how I make my daily bread, and it’s crazy getting back into the swing
—Thanks for y our patience: I hope the posts will come fast and furious now.