1) The first time I heard …ok, it wasn’t firehose, but the
minutemen, I was driving along in my best-friend-since-we-were-kids’ off-kilter VWbus through
the San Fernando Valley. He played me a cassette. It sounded like three guys recorded in a living room. I
loved it. It was real. It was just
like when we practiced at his mom’s house in back in Fresno.
2.) San Pedro. I never lived there, but my dad was stationed
there…at Fort McCarthur. I was a little kid. We lived in Carson. For years now, I visit that place
with a sense of nostalgia. I go to the Sunken City or visit places that are
kind of the same, but have changed. Is this where the swimming pool was?
Checking out the Peace Bell and the little WWII buildings that some artists
seem to be using.
3) I saw fIREHOSE twice. Both times it was at The Palomino. I
was there the night they recorded
that live EP. They played the Who’s “A Quick One” twice!!! ,
but neither version made the E.P..
And Watt busted the nut on his Precision Bass.—who
*breaks* their bass?? No one. No one even busts a string on a big ol’ bass, but
Watt did. And when he was done, he talked to the kids. It was awesome.
He was a real person.
4) Our band has been ‘indie’ from the start. We took
inspiration from people like Watt….we were learning…somewhat at the same time…but
he was about a ½ a generation ahead of us. We may be more POP in song structure…aggressive mod meets whatever we
could learn, but we are comrades in arms in the whole independent smacking
upside the head of the world. We continue to play all over the state, we’ve been to England twice..we just keep it going cuz that’s what we do.
—-that’s it.
our website has all the stuff….musical tidbits, video links, pictures…etc…..please click on through……………