Fresno Covers Fresno—a local band compilation w/ a twist!

Imagine a local band compilation album that everyone will
be excited about.
It would have to include a lot of bands.
It would have to have exclusive tracks:  tracks that local band fans couldn’t get
anywhere else.
It would have to be, like Fresno’s FUSE festival, a rich and
diverse sampling of local talent. (This project is, in fact, sponsored by Creative Fresno, the very people who power the FUSE.)
Here’s the idea: “Fresno Covers Fresno”, a compilation
in which local bands cover
*other* local bands.
The combinations are endless, and fun to
Over the last few months we solicited bands to do
just that: submit a recording of themselves covering another local act (past or
present). In this way: twice the amount of bands are represented,
fans get a unique recording from some of their favorites,
and we all enjoy the fascinating re-interpretations.
Click here for a listing of where we’re at so far.
Our plan:
Have the project done by mid-2013—ready to promote  FUSE Festival #6.
Selected recordings will be pressed up on a CD.
All submissions  will be available online for download.
All profits will support the FUSE Festival.
To help fund the project, a series of shows will be held at
Tokyo Garden.
The first one was Friday, August 17 and featured Matthew Embry, Blake Jones & the Trike Shop,
and Deistiro.
The next was be Sat. Nov. 10 and feature: Werebear, It’ll Grow Back and BRawCity.
Thirdly was The Sunburns, Sci-Fi Caper, and I Don’t Exist.
—The fourth is being planned, and might be an ‘un-plugged’ acoustic show
featuring a multitude of the bands who have contributed a track.

Frequently Asked Questions:

*What do I have to submit?

Two things:
1) A CD of the tune that you covered–CD’s have deeper resolution that mp3′s, and will be easier
for us to deal with on the mastering end, so this is the format we are asking for from you.
2)  a written note or email that shows that you have permission
to use the song. Something as simple as forwarding an email from the songwriter you are covering would suffice.
(contact and mailing information is below.)

* What is the due date? When do I have to have my stuff submitted?

We’re looking at the end of MARCH 21 as a deadline, so that we can have the project out and available by late Spring in order to pre-promote for the 6th annual FUSE Festival.

* Who gets accepted for the project?

Everyone who submits a song will be included on the online version. A committee will select the tracks that get included
on the CD version. We will go out of our way to try and make it a great promotional tool for all of the bands who go through
the trouble to make this project come to fruition.

* Does this project cost the bands anything?

There is no charge to be part of the project. We will pay for the mastering and pressing of the CD version and for hosting the online version.You will have to pay for getting your song recorded. This cost can vary of course. Some folks have access to people or equipment that can makeit  happen, while others will have to enter a recording studio. We *have* found a great partner and friend in Robbie Olsen (who runs Rolsen Recordings in Kingsburg).

He has offered the Fresno Covers Fresno bands a great ‘one song’ rate that will cover the recording and mixing of your song.Robbie Olsen of Rolsen recording [ ]  is offering bands who are interested  a special *one song* deal at his studio…recording and mixing of
$150. ( If you know the cost of working with an audio professional, you know this guy is doing it
out of love for the music and for the local scene.[Thanks Robbie!])

* Where will the money go from sales of the album?

We suspect that much of the sales will go to defray the costs of the mastering, printing, pressing, etc. of the album. Any profits that come about will be donated to
Creative Fresno to be used towards supporting the FUSE Festival. So  you see, it all goes back to supporting local music.

*Do I have to cover a currently existing Fresno-area band?

Any artist past or present , any band currently together or not, is fair game.

*What local artists have committed so far? and what bands are they covering?

Click here for a listing of where we’re at so far.
Any further questions, and all submissions can be sent to Blake Jones. Contact him at