March 5, 2010

The Rogue Festival is Here!

Category: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:35 pm

In keeping with this “underground garden” metaphor, I’d say this is the one time of the year where the local underground garden burbles up almost to the surface. (Maybe if I’d started with the metaphor “underground thermal mud pot” or “gyser”, that sentence would have worked better.)

But, in spite of my bad writing, it’s true. In these 10 days of the Rogue Fest, it seems that the extreme concentration of performers and their creativity and the audience that’s interested in such things just about breaks through to the general conciousness of our beloved sprawled-out town. For just a moment, we might skip our chain restaraunts and Hollywood blockbuster movies and see what kind of crazy thangs our neighbors and fellow Fresnans can dream up.

There’s some posts below (yours for a scroll-down) about what’s brewing in my own show. We launch the first episode tonight at Veni Vidi Vici at 7:30. This one concentrates on the local music scene of the 60′s and 70′s.

Come on out to the Rogue Festival! Bring a friend or two, and see what a deliriously delightful underground garden is blooming just under the surface of Central California.

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